Psych as Killer

"Imagine living in a world where one of the silent causes of death isn't a virus or a drug, but our own minds. Surprisingly, suicidality stands as one of the leading causes of death in Switzerland among individuals aged 15 to 65, casting a shadow over society. At the heart of this crisis often lies depression, a formidable adversary that can push people to the brink of despair.

While medical science has made leaps and bounds in diagnosing and treating physical illnesses, offering hope where there was none, psychiatry remains in a challenging battle to find solid ground. The quest for objective and reliable markers to guide diagnosis and treatment in mental health care has been fraught with complexity and uncertainty.

This presentation will embark on a journey through examples of mental health care, revealing the intricacies of managing mental disorders and the urgent need for innovation. Join us as we explore the frontiers of psychiatry, paving the way for a future where mental health is not a battlefield, but a place of healing and understanding."

Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Olbrich

Zentrumsleitung Zentrum für Depression, Angsterkrankungen und Psychotherapie (ZDAP)

Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich

Zentrum für Depressionen, Angststörungen und Psychotherapie